(706) 353-1199



As we reopen the building for in person services following the COVID-19 crisis Pastor Mike reminds us of some other "re" words we should have on our mind.

Pastor Mike Holt draws from the story of Abraham to show us how we can overcome struggles in our lives.
Elder Saviour Anyidoho brings a powerful message on hearing the voice of God
Pastor Mike brings the final message in the Samuel series
Pastor Mike continues preaching out of 1 Samuel to describe how worship can take us to the threshold of breakthrough
Pastor Mike continues preaching out of 1 Samuel to talk about why we should pay attention when God calls our names twice and what it could mean for our lives.
Pastor Mike follows up from his message "In the Course of Time" to draw from the story of Samuel a call to pursue the glory of God in our lives.
Pastor Mike Holt delivers a special Father's Day message on what earthly fatherhood can teach us about our relationship to our heavenly Father.
Pastor Mike Holt draws from the story of Hannah to show that God keeps His promises.
Pastor Emeritus Dr. Mel R Holmes joins us for a special message on trusting in the sovereignty of God
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