(706) 353-1199



As we reopen the building for in person services following the COVID-19 crisis Pastor Mike reminds us of some other "re" words we should have on our mind.

Pastor Mike discusses the journeys that life can take us on that are certainly "Walks to Remember" and what we can learn about these walks from the 23rd Psalm.
Special guest Pastor Mark Northcutt draws from the account of Elijah and the widow with inspiration from the the film Braveheart to discuss God's process in working out His plan…
Pastor Mike uses Rocky Balboa's journey to victory in Rocky IV to show how we can experience that kind of victory in our own life.
Nations Church was pleased to welcome UGA Tight End Jeb Blazevich to come and share his testimony.


September 10, 2017
Pastor Mike draws from 1 Peter 3:15 to reinforce that Nations Church exists to REACH the lost, RAISE UP mature disciples, and RELEASE them into a lifetime of ministry and…
Getting to breakthrough from the stories of 3 Old Testament Kings
Don't Be Punked: Pastor Mike discusses from Ephesians chapter 6 the role of the enemy in our spiritual struggles.
Three Things We Must do With Our Thorn Paul was given a thorn in his flesh to keep him from being conceited. What can we do with our thorn?
Pastor Mike continues #TheStruggleisReal series by discussing how we can become stronger and stronger in the midst of our struggle.
Learning from David's experience with King Saul we can actually become stronger in the midst of our struggle.
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